To answer some of your questions, it hasn't been too scary of an experience so far. Kelsey feels and acts fine and her bruises don't hurt any worse than a regular bruise. Her platelets are supposed to come back on their own and she'll be back to normal. I am a little worried now that they are not coming back as fast. I'm afraid that they might have went up more and now they're coming down again. But we'll know more in a couple of weeks when we check her blood again. So thanks for all your prayers. We want her to get better soon!
what a sweet sweet girl! Well we are definitely keeping her in our prayers because you really can never be too safe. Thanks for the update
Gina- I just got up to date on your blog! How scary. I will keep your family in my prayers and hope that Kelsey recovers quickly.
Thanks for the update. I've been wondering about her. I'm sending positive thoughts your way Kelsey!
I'm glad that Kelsey is getting better even if it is slowly... I'm glad that it hasn't affected her too adversly. She will continue to be in our prayers.
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