Gwyn is obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba. Gwyn got lots of Yo Gabba Gabba toys and Foofa (the pink one) and Brobee (the green one) cupcakes. I thought they turned out pretty good. Gwyn knew who they were anyways.
Grandma Marini was here and we also had a few friends over to help us celebrate. Here's a few pictures of Gwyn with her presents and eating her birthday cupcake. You can tell how excited she is. I just can't believe she 2.
That's awesome.. Ethan LOVES yo gabba gabba... I don't know if you saw my halloween pictures, but I was dj lance rock...
CUUUUUTE!! Yo Gabba Gabba is so fun! Here's a funny little fact too-
I dated a guy named Chad when I was about 19. His best friend, Roommate and mish companion was a guy named Ben. Ben's Dad was the producer of the Jets and some other famous stuff (don't remember now) and NOW Ben and his brother and Dad, are all part of the production team to YO Gabba Gabba :)
I think the cupcakes are darling and the little girl- well she is just delicious. What a cute kid, happy Birthday!!
Matt's jealous that we didn't know about Yo gabba gabba until after Halloween so he couldn't be DJ Lance Rock. We did know that there were a lot of LDS people involved in the production of Yo Gabba Gabba. There are also a lot of other interesting people and musicians involved in the making of the show as well like Biz Markie (You say he's just a friend) who does Biz's beat of the day, and Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo), who is the guy that draws the pictures. Also the music is done by a lot of interesting people and the special guests and music groups cool too.
Very cute party. You moms amaze me going all out doing those character cupcakes and cakes. I don't have the patience for that. I can't believe Gwyn is 2!! Time sure flies. It just seems like yesterday we were all pregnant and having all the 17 babies in the Pines ward that year. Seriously, I still can't believe I'll have another one in just a few weeks. Scary!!
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