This was our Easter weekend:
Friday it occurred to me that I hadn't yet put out the Easter decorations so the girls helped me decorate the house. Saturday evening we dyed Easter eggs. We pulled that off without making too much of a mess.

Sunday: Easter morning. At our house, the Easter Bunny hides the Easter baskets and leaves clues for the girls to find them. Kelsey found the first clue that was left by the cereal boxes. Kelsey and Reagan then followed the clues and found their baskets. They got a bunch of Easter goodies including a Hannah Montana puzzles and game book for Kelsey, the latest Magic Tree house book for Reagan, and a toy Mickey Mouse camera for Gwyn. After the girls took their showers and got dressed, they searched the house for eggs. Gwyn had been practicing the day before so she knew exactly what to do.
There's always a couple eggs that have money in them. In this picture, Kelsey and Reagan just spotted these eggs. Woo hoo!
Gwyn just couldn't get enough of the jelly beans that were inside the eggs. We finally had to take them away and this is what happened:
Here's a picture of the girls after the hunt was over. This was obviously before I did their hair. After curling all their hair with my new flat iron, which I am having way to much fun with by the way, we rushed off to church before taking any pictures. What a bummer! I even curled Gwyns hair.

After church we had a delicious ham dinner. This is the first time I have ever made a ham. I don't really care for ham but I didn't want to have just the same old thing for dinner since it was Easter. It turned out really good. Then I made some sugar cookies in the shape of Easter eggs for the girls to decorate. I usually just let the girls decorate cookies once a year for Halloween or Christmas but I thought they would love doing it this year for Easter too. Matt thought I was crazy for letting them decorate the cookies because of all the work and the mess but I kept it simple. I made the dough the day before and just had 3 colors of frosting and some sprinkles. That made the preparation and clean up much easier. Gwyn even decorated a couple of eggs. Afterwards, Reagan and Kelsey could not stop telling me thank you for letting them do this.
So, over all, we had a pretty good Easter.