We've been keeping busy these last few weeks of summer. Here are some of the things we've been doing. We went to the new Southside pool. It was close to 100 degrees that day. Gwyn loved being on the inner tube in the lazy river. We walk around it at least 100 times. Here's a picture of Reagan and Kelsey and some friends in the lazy river. They decided to walk it after a failed attempt to fit all four of them in one inner tube.
Here's the picture of all four of them in one tube.
And one more picture of Kelsey.
Here's an update of our garden. The zucchini and pumpkin plants have taken over!
And here's what we have so far to show for our hard work. My mission is accomplished, as far as I'm concerned. Anything else we get after this is a bonus. I found a recipe on line for a chocolate zucchini chocolate chip cake so I made it with this zucchini. It was yummy!
We made it to the Mobius Children's Museum, as promised. Reagan and Kelsey read books this summer and earned a free coupon from the library. We went with our friends, the Buers. They had a lot of fun. I didn't seem to get a picture of Reagan, but she was there too.
We made it to one more Shock game this summer. This was one of the play-off games, which they won. GO SHOCK!
This is an interesting thing Matt and Gwyn did this month. Matt flew to Tacoma to see his favorite band, Radiohead, in concert. It would be highly unlikely for Matt to miss a Radiohead concert anywhere in Washington. He was only going to be gone for 2 nights and one day so he took Gwyn with him. He was staying at his parents house and they were more than happy to have a day with her. At home, Reagan, Kelsey and I brought some scrapbooking stuff up from downstairs and we watched a couple of movies and scrapbooked. It was a nice, relaxing day.

Here's all of us at the airport. This is Gwyn when she first saw us. Can't you tell she missed us?